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The Four Desires

  • The Yoga Dojo Richmond VA USA (map)

The Four Desires

DESIRE gets a bad reputation ⁠especially in our Yoga communities⁠

We get the message that as Yogis we should somehow be above all desire⁠

⁠What if we shifted our relationship with this word?⁠

What would blossom in our life (and our communities) if we focused on:

What gives our life a shine?⁠

How can we support ourselves and gather the means so that we can thrive?⁠

How can we celebrate our senses, our sensuality and create beauty in our world?⁠

What unburdens our soul?

Join us as together we explore the Four Desires or Purusarthas:

Dharma- Purpose/Law/Order- What are you here for? 

Artha- Means/Support- How can I support my health/wealth?

Kama- Pleasure/Sensuality/Lust- How can I bring more pleasure and beauty into my life?

Moksha- Liberation/ Connection to the Divine- What unburdens the soul?

Through a series of practices we will look at each of the Four Desires using different ways to unwrap its meaning in our lives.

Click here to register!

November 30

Breaking Patterns with Yoga Nidra

December 9

Igniting Your Inner Fire