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Four Desires

  • The Yoga Sanctuary Punta Gorda Florida (map)

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The Four Desires

DESIRE gets a bad reputation ⁠especially in our Yoga communities⁠

We get the message that as Yogis we should somehow be above all desire⁠

⁠What if we shifted our relationship with this word?⁠

What would blossom in our life (and our communities) if we focused on:

What gives our life a shine?⁠

How can we support ourselves and gather the means so that we can thrive?⁠

How can we celebrate our senses, our sensuality and create beauty in our world?⁠

What unburdens our soul?

Join us as together we explore the Four Desires or Purusarthas:

Dharma- Purpose/Law/Order- What are you here for? 

Artha- Means/Support- How can I support my health/wealth?

Kama- Pleasure/Sensuality/Lust- How can I bring more pleasure and beauty into my life?

Moksha- Liberation/ Connection to the Divine- What unburdens the soul?

Through a series of practices we will look at each of the Four Desires using different ways to unwrap its meaning in our lives.

Details and Registration coming soon

December 7

Yoga Dojo VA